Tuesday 30 July 2013

getting over the hill

After I was signed off work I was determined to get well as soon as possible. I researched the condition reading endless books and searching for possible ways out of my depression.
As I found the NHS so unsupportive I decided to see a private psychatrist. This assesment would be my first step on the road to recovery. We both discussed my symptoms and he decided that the best course of action was to combine a sedative anti-depressant ( Mirtazapine) with some group CBT sessions.

I remember taking that first tablet that evening, and wow I could sleep again, still nothing great but over the course of the next few weeks, my sleep started to normalise. My general mood increased, and noticed that my motivation for things had improved. It gets me when people say anti depressents are no better then placebo. These things work but as my psychartrist told me, its about getting the right drug in combination with the correct side effects.
I attended the group theapy and was shocked at the amount of others with similer problems. Depression is indescriminate in its attack and can affect everyone. Group theapy is hard it can be great but to tell your innermost thoughts to a group of strangers can also be difficult. With the correct Medication and the CBT sessions I had started to make some real progress......

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